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Combo orders

Combo means a combination of orders that are expressed with a single Bid and Ask equal to the sum of the Bid and Ask of each financial instrument that you want to market. In beeTrader you can then place a single order to build for example 1 Condor with a single or-der. The advantage is easily intuitable and must not escape even the margination side that will not be updated as you build the Condor but is given by the margin that requires it as if it were fully executed.
We design a condor on DAX with the following Legs:

To obtain the following Payoff:

Instead of putting on the market one leg at a time and negotiating the price, we can use the COMBO function (it’s only real market)

And the trading DOM will appear:

At this point it is treated as a single financial instrument and you negotiate the price in the usual way. Clicking on the Buy button will appear the summary table of all the orders I am sending and the total debt or credit of the figure, in this case it is due to 23 dollars which corresponds to my maximum margin:

Note 1:
not all instruments can be treated in this way, in some it is planned to run only two Legs at the same time. A warning window will appear on the financial instruments where IB does not guarantee exe-cution and you will have to run them one at a time.
Note 2:
only when a combo order is placed as a Sell, until it is not filled, in the Interactive Brokers “Orders” window the opposite signs will be shown in the legs quantities to be executed. This is because the whole combination is being sold, and therefore selling a quantity with a negative sign is the same as buying it, while a quantity with a positive sign is the same as selling it.
In any case, the result obtained once the combo order is filled is exactly what is shown in the beeTrader DOM.